Notice to All Members:
Effective January 1st, 2025, the TCU/IAM Monthly Due Rates will increase by $2.19 from $113.06 to $115.25. Read more here.
Welcome to TCU Local 626
The union we call TCU/IAM today took root back in 1899 when, on a cold winter’s evening shortly after Christmas, 33 railroad clerks gathered in the back room of Behrens’ cigar shop in Sedalia, Missouri. That night, December 29, they formed Local Lodge Number 1 of a union they named the Order of the Railroad Clerks of America. Since then, men and women from many different crafts have brought their dedication and strength to our union. Our range is extensive and complex, on and off the railroads, throughout the transportation industry. But the union still runs on those same simple principles of democracy and full membership participation that it always has.
Building on the legacy of our founding members, we, the proud members of Local Lodge Number 626, strive to continue the journey started by those 33 railroad clerks back in 1899. Their vision and commitment laid the foundation for a union that values democracy and active participation from its members. As we march forward, we are dedicated to expanding our influence and bringing even more glory to our Local Lodge. Just as our forefathers gathered in the spirit of unity, we aim to strengthen the bonds within our community, uphold the principles of solidarity, and face the challenges of the present and future with the same resilience that has defined our union throughout its rich history. Together, we write the next chapter, honoring the past while embracing the opportunities that lie ahead.