Help Protect our Railroad Retirement Board (RRB)!

We urgently need your support in our letter-writing campaign to protect our Railroad Retirement Board (RRB). A House Appropriations Subcommittee has proposed severe budget cuts for the RRB, reducing its funding to $100 million for Fiscal Year 2025. This is a drastic $28 million cut from FY 2023 and follows last year's cuts that led to hiring freezes and severe budget constraints.

The RRB is funded by our payroll taxes—not the U.S. Treasury. These proposed cuts jeopardize the services and benefits we depend on, leading to longer wait times and potential mission failure. The RRB has requested $172.331 million to continue serving us effectively. We must demand that Congress approve this full funding.

Let’s ensure our voices are heard. Send a letter NOW to your representatives, demanding they provide the necessary funds to the RRB. We have paid into this system our entire careers; it’s time for Congress to support us in return.

Together, we can make a difference.


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